26.02.2020 10:43

Fixed Income Interval Fund. Results for three months

Message from the Manager

Askhat Yerzhanov

Director of the Treasury Department

Dear investors!

Hereby we summarize the results of three incomplete months of operation of Fixed Income Interval Fund since the restart.

During this period, the portfolio structure was optimized. Portfolio parameters were reduced to target risk/return ratios.

In 2020, the search for profitable investment ideas will continue, while maintaining the optimal portfolio structure. Priority will be given to investments in new sectors for additional diversification. For example, in the conditions of low interest rates in debt markets, it is a good idea to buy bonds with a long maturity, or “eternal” notes of large foreign banks.

On January 14, 2020, the first dividend was paid to holders of Fixed Income shares in the amount of $ 1.06 per share, which is 3% per annum for the holding period since October 2019. Over the same period, the value of net assets increased by 395 million tenge (profit for the quarter 2.57%). In the medium and long term, we expect stabilization of the fund’s returns at 6-7% per annum in foreign currency, which will allow the fund to comfortably pay the promised dividend in future periods.

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Investments in the Fixed Income Interval Fund from Freedom Finance are available from $5000.

The Fund provides guaranteed dividend payment of 3% per annum in dollars and focused on total yield of 6% per annum in dollars.

The Fixed Income portfolio consists of reliable sovereign bonds of developed and developing countries, as well as shares of large high-dividend companies and money market instruments.

A detailed description and the fund parameters are available in the presentation.