Cookie Policy

What are COOKIES?

Cookies are small files that usually consist of letters and digits. Cookies may be sent to the browser of your PC or other device each time you visit certain websites. The purpose of cookies is to store basic information such as visitor preferences. Cookies will be sent back to the original site each time you visit that site. Cookies are useful because they allow websites to recognize your browser or device for a period of time.

Most internet browsers support cookies. Users can control browsers by setting them to reject certain types of cookies or to show when a cookie is being sent. Most of the best-known websites in the world use cookies. Without cookies, features or services available on some websites may not even work properly.

How do we use cookies?

We use cookies to make easier to use, and we strive to tailor our products to your interests and needs. Cookies can also be used to speed up your future experience on our site. We also use cookies to compile anonymous information, aggregated statistics that allow us to understand how people use our site, to help us improve their structure and content. We cannot personally identify you based on such information.

What types of cookies do we use?

We use two types of cookies on the website: Session Cookie and Persistent Cookies. Session cookies are temporary files that remain on your device until you leave the website. Persistent cookies remain on the device for a long time or until you manually delete them (length of time a cookie remains on your device will depend on the duration or “lifespan” of the particular cookie and your browser settings).

Some of the pages you visit may also collect information using pixel tags, which may be shared with third parties who directly support our advertising and website development. For example, website visitor’s information may be shared with a third party advertising agency to improve targeted banner advertising on our website. However, such information is not suitable for the identification procedure, although it may be associated with your personal information.

How to disable and/or delete cookies?

First of all, please note that most browsers accept cookies by default. You may accept or decline the transmission of cookies to your PC or other device by changing the settings on your browser at any time to suit your cookie preferences. You can control and/or delete cookies as you wish. To learn more about please visit You can delete any cookies that are already on your PC or other device and set most browsers to refuse accepting cookies. However, in this case, you will have to adjust some of the settings manually each time you visit the site. Thereby, some services and features may not work properly.

To opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics across all sites, please visit